Friday, September 22, 2023

Chipmunk Wildlife Painting, Colorado Landscape “Master of All He Surveys” by Colorado Artist Nancee Jean Busse

I live in the desert of Western Colorado. A short drive away, the landscape changes from sage/juniper/pinyon desert to tall pines, cool air, and hundreds (literally) of lakes. Colorado’s Grand Mesa (debatably the world’s largest flat-top mountain) is the habitat for elk, deer, moose, bear, and chipmunks. Thousands of chipmunks. At the edge of the Mesa, where visitors gather for the breathtaking view, chipmunks gather, too. They are there for the treats they get from tourists. I photographed this handsome pair perched on the rugged volcanic rock at Land’s End.

24"x18"x1" Acrylic on Panel 

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